System introduction

Currently, the trend is that the invention and improvement of services at the same price beats the competition. The market needs completely new products for new target groups.

Going along with these trends will allow you the powerful information system, which will reduce the share of manual labour, increase productivity and improve the overview of the current state of not only sales, but also all the related processes.

Tour as a package

Product (e.g. tour) is for the system is> tour package, consisting of services and products according to the logic defined by the user. The individual periods, prices or availability of the capacity is then calculated and verified by themselves according to the logic defined in the package.

It is very easy to add to a package other periods or accompanying services. The package can be copied or cloned to create product modifications for new target groups.

Continuous analysis

The golden rule of management says that what I do not measure, that I do not control. The product line of is> tour allows to product and sales managers monitoring of the status of sale, preparations of the season, occupancy of capacities, allocation of discounts and other parameters. They can react more quickly and their decisions can be grounded on exact sources.

Client is served online

The system guides the client through his order from definition of his requirements over the real capacity reservation, issue the travel contract and online payment. All this is possible without the involvement of an operator 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Like the client, even the seller can be quickly and fully served.

Less work and more invention

Information system is> tour removes most of the manual labour and makes free a part of the overloaded staff. Thanks its universality, it brings new possibilities and speed in creating products. Use the potential to create new products, to search for new and yet unmet gaps in the market, for quick feedback and response to every movement of the market.

How the product line is>tour was created

is> tour was developed after many years of cooperation with the leading tour operators in the field of incoming and in the last seven years also with the leading tour operators in the field of outgoing. New generations of products based on the framework Magic2G were created after careful analyzing the needs of companies, moving in all areas of tourism.

Our goal is to optimize and make more transparent the work processes, from acquisition of the capacities to final assessment of the season. Because we know how important in the whole system the sale is, our system supports various sales channels (sales through dealers, through the bureau, through the call center or via the web). To help reduce costs, we are creating automated processes that can, thanks to the stacked logic, process and produce large quantities of products at once.

Product line is> tour is not only supply of technologies; it is mainly supply of the solutions!

Dynamic system for a modern tour-operator

Product line is>tour consists of modules that can be combined in varying range of functionalities. Some modules can also be transferred between product lines.

Inventory system

This section contains records of purchased capacity, goods and services. User-defined are recorded the facilities, patterns and specific capacities in time. To the purchased contingents the price and other conditions of purchase are recorded.

Price may be related to the units, to the persons or for example to the specific age of the child, etc. The system also records the description and photographs related to the subject and No. of bookings or sales of the individual units.
The agenda includes the following records:
  • charter flights tickets
  • air lines tickets
  • coaches
  • other types of transport (ship, rail, etc.)
  • accommodation
  • cultural events
  • other services

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Product creating

User itself can compose dynamic package of the final product. The system keeps record of each pattern, from which the package consists and according to individual periods it is then consulted with the respective contingents and prices to calculate the cost price.

According to defined rules, from cost price the end price is created by adding a margin. The user individually influences any part of the process.

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Booking system

The main emphasis of work of the booking system is on automatic processes - from searching through the booking to the confirmation of the sale and preparation of travel documents. The aim is to carry out real on-line booking, when the partner of the system can be a customer, seller, or system operator.

Booking made through websites runs under strict rules. Untrained user cannot make a mistake, such as book more persons than the capacity of the room is, book a room that is not available, or skip the mandatory fee.

Book via the terminal (again with access via web browser) gives users greater freedom and also an overview of the current situation of sale. Booking can be made even if the price list items are not set and the pricing can be made additionally.

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Output reports

Output reports provide the transmission of the information to the outside world via user-editable templates of printing sets. Among the printing sets includes rooming lists, transport lists, statistics, graphs, and finally on-line composition of the instructions to check - out for the individual client.

The system prints various tickets, vouchers and sales statistics.

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Other solutions

In addition to activities of tour operator, it is possible to use some parts of the system also for the implementation of an internet portal under your own design of the web pages. It can be used also for product resale of various tour operators, where you act as the dealer.

Using tools from product line is> tour, the operator exploits the synergy of reusable components and experience of a number of similar products at a fraction of the price that would be needed for custom development of similar systems. Custom website design can be maintained.

Solutions for sales portal

The product line is> tour offers all the tools that need an Internet portal operator in tourism for the construction and operation of its business solutions.

Universal search core

This is a database engine, which is able to receive the information about tours from the other reservation systems. Receiving of the data is user-configurable, so there is no need to adjust the system for new data sources, only just system setting is necessary. The system solves the topicality of the records, reduplication in code lists and translations of different item names in code lists sent by different partners.

Dynamic objects, inserted into web pages, provide linking to a web. These objects provide the window for entering the search criteria, listings of found tours, or detailed description of the selected tour.

It is also possible to connect to this search core the terminals of the sellers with their own reservation system.

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Content management system of is>content product line

Over the same framework as product line is> tour we have also the CMS known as is> content.

CMS is designed to construct and operate a number of web projects. It allows you to define templates, manage pages in WYSIVIG editor, working on SEO optimization. To the pages prepared in the content management system you can add components for searching for the tours in universal search core and also the components for displaying the results.

Using of CMS is> content is not necessary, building of web pages can be implemented by other tools.

Even if the user decides to use the CMS platform of is> content additionally, the investment to creating web sites is not lost as this new CMS is able to undertake complete structure, design, and code of the original pages and preserve the work of graphic designers, writers and the results of detailed debugging of the web presentation.

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Solutions for sellers

The product line is> tour offers everything the seller need for searching of a tour, booking of the tours and recording of sold tours from other tour operators.

Reservation system

Reservation system, which is part of product line is> tour, is not only booking its own products, but it is also recording of persons and reserved capacity via partners systems.

The advantage of using the booking system for sellers is accurate records of all transactions and central register of the own customers. The user can record regular customers and new bookings can be made with the use of already recorded data.

Individual travels

The use of links to other reservation systems can also be used for preparation of the individual travel plans.

Under the reservation number can be composed the air tickets and accommodation found in the partner systems, you can make the on-line reservation, on-line confirm the sale, creates a travel contract, etc. Everything is recorded in a central database system, each reservation has expiratory time obtained from the supplier. The system will allow sellers to register and offer their own discounts or bonuses for regular customers. Cash management may supplement reservation system and it can be linked with different economic systems.

Output reports

Output reports contain statistics and sales charts, lists of the trades from individual suppliers or TOP traders lists of each seller, so that they can be paid according to the turnover in the month. If the user will implement his own parameters (user-defined classifications), it is possible to display graphs according to these parameters.

Why Magicware

We have experience, knowledge and success
We are enthusiastic about what we do
We are a Czech company which is active worldwide
We have a vision and we are prepared for the future
We are able to share out our costs thanks to the wide use of the system
We provide strong support throughout the application’s entire life cycle